About Financial Aid
Southwest Virginia Rush strives to provide a high quality experience for players of all ages, ability, interest, and economic levels. In order to achieve this, Rush sets aside a finite amount of funds to award each year, based on the club’s annual budget. Generally, families who qualify for school nutrition program free/reduced price meals are eligible. Please read below for more information on the eligibility requirements or contact the Club Treasurer at treasurer@swvarush.com with any additional questions.
Financial Aid Consideration
Financial Aid Applicants are considered based on the following criteria:
Financial Aid Committee
A committee consisting of board members and club staff will review Financial Aid Applications.
Payment Plans
In order to ensure that fees are manageable for all participants, Rush offers payment plans to the members.
Volunteer Commitment
Rush relies on its members for volunteer services. All Financial Aid Award recipients will be required to complete 1 hour of service per $25 awarded. Volunteer services include helping with the set up and take down of fields and events, assisting with filed lining and care, and volunteering time towards Rush programs. Volunteer opportunities will be coordinated by the Technical Director.
Application – Must be Submitted before August 1.
Southwest Virginia Rush
P.O. Box 1773
Radford, VA 24143
Phone: 410.271.389
Email: Soccer@swvarush.com
“Where the Trails of Passion and Purpose Meet, Begins the Path to Victory"
Monday - Thursday: 9:00a - 4:00p
Friday: 10:00a - 2:00p
Saturday & Sunday: Closed